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3 Benefits of Mud Jacking

March 13, 2024

Concrete surfaces may sink due to gradual erosion of underlying soil or poor installation. Regardless of why a concrete slab on your property is sinking, you must address the issue as soon as possible. Mud jacking presents one way to repair the sinking concrete surface on your property. If you're wondering what the preferred method for fixing this problem is, here are three benefits of mud jacking.

1. Mud Jacking Offers a Long-Term Solution for Sinking Concrete

As mentioned in the introduction, a concrete surface may sink because of continuous erosion. Water may have found an opening beneath the concrete surface, and it’s washing away the soil supporting the concrete slab. If you’re seeking a long-term solution for the concrete sinking issues, you cannot ignore the condition of the soil and focus only on the concrete slab.

Mud jacking is preferable for many homeowners because it specifically addresses the issues affecting your soil. The new mud or soil pumped underneath the concrete surface fills in the gaps pushed away by the water. Because of this, a solid foundation will be reestablished underneath the concrete slab.

2. Mud Jacking Quickly Addresses the Issue of Sinking Concrete

When presented with the issue of concrete sinking, many homeowners respond by replacing the slab. Replacing the concrete slab can remedy the sinking issue, but you’ll have to wait awhile to see the results. Concrete replacement projects may take several days or even weeks to complete.

You won’t have to wait that long for mud jacking to take effect. Pumping the mud or soil underneath the concrete may take one to two hours. According to HomeGuide, the mud or soil used in mud jacking can be cured in around 24 to 48 hours. Even if the mud jacking takes longer than normal, it should still provide results faster than concrete replacement.

3. Mud Jacking Maintains the Appearance of Concrete Surfaces

Finally, you should consider using mud jacking to address your sinking concrete because it doesn’t change the appearance of your established landscape. When installed next to more weathered surfaces, a new concrete slab will stick out like a sore thumb. The appearance of the concrete surfaces will stay intact if you rely on mud jacking.

The sight of a sinking concrete surface on your property can be distressing, but it’s a problem you can easily resolve. It's best to address any sinking issue as quickly as possible. Reach out to Raise Right Foundation & Slab today to schedule your mud jacking service!

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